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Blog Copywriting Melbourne

Need content to market your brand?

Boost your website's SEO with the power of blog writing. Keyword-rich, 600-1000 word articles that help Google index your website better, so you can get more of the right kind of customers, clients and web traffic walking through your virtual doors. Plus why not save time trying to create content yourself and repurpose the blogs you get professionally written for your socials, emails, lead magnets and more!

Whether you already know the topics you need, or you need help putting a content strategy together, below are the ways we can work together.

Why blogging matters

Hey I'm Liana, the blog copywriter for lifestyle brands.

So here's the thing... fun, luxe or conversational website copy is no help if your website isn't getting found by your ideal customer. A powerful website will always be full of keyword-rich content that helps your brand get recognised as an authority not just with your client, but with Google.

Building authority with Google is where SEO strategy comes into play.  With a powerful SEO strategy, you can ensure the blogs on your website are optimised to get the right kind of web visitors.  

But I get it, as a small business owner, you're wearing all the hats. Who has time to write about what you do? It's a job in itself and at the end of the day, time is money.

This is where I can help you.


My Blog Copywriting Services

Get professionally written and researched blog copy written for you. As a brand clarity copywriter, I am very intentional about learning your brand story, ideal customer and brand voice in our strategy meeting... this allows me to write in a way that sounds consistent with your brand.

What's included:

+ Discovery form

+ Strategy and setup month 1

+Monthly content

Option A – blog focused (1 blogs, 1 email, 1 social caption)


$1000 blog strategy (once off)

$500 per month

*Blog packages for multiple blogs are also available at a discount. Please book a call to find out more

How it works

1. Book a discovery call

Let's meet for a free 15-minute call where I can do a needs analysis and find out what you need. 

4. SEO strategy creation

Based on the info provided, my SEO specialist will research your brand, find the right keywords and create a list of blog topics for me to write based off the data.

2. Receive your proposal

Get a detailed proposal on how we can work together. Once signed, receive a discovery form to fill in before our call.

5. Sit back while I write

Once I have your SEO keywords and topic list, I'll begin writing your blogs! This takes 7-14 days depending on how many blogs are needed.

3. Attend your brand strategy call

All good things come from a solid strategy. On this one hour call we will deep dive into your ideal customer, brand messaging, blogging and SEO goals.

6. Feedback, 
sign off & maximise

One round of edits is included if you need! Then a final copy is provided for you to hand to your developer and upload. Of course, then you can start repurposing this content  for your emails, social media etc. to maximise its reach.

Examples of just some of the blogs from CVC....

My blog copywriting services are perfect for you if:

  • You’re not showing up on Google for the right search terms

  • You know that blogging is important but you don't have time to write 600+ word articles every month

  • You want to invest in some researched content that you can then repurpose for your socials and emails or even pitch as guest articles to other websites

  • You want fresh, relevant content on your website that you can send traffic to from your ads, socials or emails... you want to give them a reason to visit your website in a way that isn't always pointing them to your products or services... you know you need to give them value before they will trust you... and you understand that blogging is great way to do so!

Just imagine, finally having SEO-rich keywords and a whole set of blogs on your
website that positions your brand as an authority in the market!


So, why choose me?

Unlike other copywriters, I have developed what I call, the Climbing Vine Co. approach.


Recognising that the best outcomes will always be a result of working with the right people for the job, I first conduct a needs analysis on your discovery call. This means looking at what you need before and after we begin work together to guarantee you get the best results from your website. Clarifying your next steps, I walk alongside you long-term in your entrepreneurial journey, becoming more like your word wing-woman you can depend on through the years and helping you with your various copywriting needs at each stage of your brand’s growth.


What are the benefits of blogging?

  • A perfect way to add more "long tail" SEO keywords

  • Helps Google index your website 

  • Helps your site rank for the right words so your brand has better chance of making it to page 1 of search results

  • Shows you as an expert in the field. Boosts your credibility and authority

  • Provides an opportunity for other credible websites to backlink to your site

  • Provides a great place to send traffic from ads and organic social posts

  • Provides content that can be repurposed for multiple social posts.

Do all copywriters do SEO?

SEO is important for blog copywriting, especially when it comes to your website. A basic understanding of SEO is important for making sure Google will index your website and make it more easily searchable with the right customer. Unfortunately, not all copywriters do the basics of SEO… this is where it is important to find a copywriter that works with an SEO specialist to give you the strongest copy that will not only read beautifully but actually be searchable online!

What if I already have an SEO strategy?

If you just need blogs written without the SEO strategy, you can pay per blog, rather than choosing the blog strategy package.

Do you have custom blog packages for more or less blogs.

Absolutely! Jump on a call and let's chat about the most cost-effective options for blog packages that will be based on a monthly retainer.

How long does it take to write a blog?

At Climbing Vine Co. I can write a blog within a day. However, we do have client projects booked in, and it is first in, first served. This means you can expect me to turn around your copy within 3-7 days, depending on the scope of the job and as long feedback has been given on time. One round of edits is included if needed. If you have a rush job, feel free to get in touch and I will see if there is availability in my calendar to squeeze you in.


P.S Love aFreebie?

Take a look at the very approach I take with my own clients when it comes to creating content that they can use across all their channels…


WARNING: This may offend serial workaholics who think they need to constantly be creating content in order to be seen.


Download my Free Guide on How to Research Your Ideal Customer.

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